Commuter life: Working and commuting
Like many college students I have a part time job. While I love working at the daycare, it sometimes makes commuting more difficult than it would be otherwise.
If I did not work, I would be able to stay on campus during the day until my writing center/choir obligations. With me working, it is just more driving I get to do.
I have to have a job in order to afford gas for my car so I can get back and forth to campus.
Working and commuting are helping me learn many valuable skills. I have to have excellent time management skills to get everywhere I need to be on time. I also have to have patience as traffic is not always on my side.
This year I feel like I am learning how to be an adult more so than last year. I worked for some of last year, but not nearly as much as I am now. I also did not have as many responsibilities on my plate. This year if I did not have to be responsible for so many things, then I do not think I would survive.
While commuting, I feel as if I have less time to be carefree. I know that this is not the case for a lot of commuters. There are plenty of commuters who are still as carefree as ever. I personally just have a busy life. It is not because of work, school or even commuting; it is because I like to stay busy. If I am not doing something, I feel like I am wasting precious time.
In a previous edition, I mentioned that I could be lazy. That is the truth, and if you personally know me, then you know this. I know how and when to relax, but most of the time I stay busy. I guess it is because of the way I was raised. I was taught to work for what I wanted. That is just drilled into my mind. I know that if I want my degree, then I have to work for it.
With that being said, I spend a lot of time in my car. I make lists, in my head of course, while I am driving from place to place. Then once I am stopped, I transfer those lists onto paper or onto my phone.
This is a great tip to make sure you do not forget anything. Another thing I do frequently that helps me stay on track is checking and sending emails, looking through the tartan, et cetera on my phone while in my car. This happens a lot if I get to campus early, get to work early or even get a break at work. I have a lot on my plate, but technology makes my life a whole lot easier.