Cirque de Scots: Homecoming 2014

This year, Homecoming will be held on the weekend of Oct. 3, accompanied by a number of traditional

activities. A pep rally will be in Isaac’s on Oct. 3 at 7:00 pm. For those looking to support the Fighting Scots,

they will take on LaGrange College at 2:00 pm Oct. 4. Attendees are encouraged to wear their orange and

garnet or their homecoming t-shirts, which will be sold on Friday and at the game.


For those willing to leave their tailgate spots, several additional activities are planned before the

game. Tours will be given of Anderson Hall’s renovation from 9:00-11:00 am, the Harvest Craft Festival

will take place in the Clayton Center for the Arts from 9:00-3:30 pm and Mountain Challenge will host

an open tower. However, this year one traditional event will not make an appearance; there will be no

homecoming parade. However, an alumni march beginning at 1:30 is taking place.


SPB will be hosting the Cirque de Scots homecoming dance. The dance will take place in Knoxville at The

Standard from 8:00-11:00 pm. Carnival or circus attire is encouraged but not required.

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