Running for SGA requires strategic effort, with many students setting up campaigns as a way to gain support from voters. While motivations differ across the board of inductees, one thing they all share is the drive to make Maryville College a safer, more welcoming environment for students.
Andre Darko (He/Him), Sophomore, Sophomore Class Senator “I joined SGA because I want to be a representative for the sophomore class and serve the student body as a whole this semester.” Photo courtesy of Andre Darko.
Ava Beggs (She/They), Junior, Junior Class Senator “I joined SGA because I care a lot about this campus and want to be part of an organization that is working to make it the best it can be!” Photo courtesy of Ava Beggs.
Josh Dunn (He/Him), Sophomore, Commuter Senator “I joined SGA as a way to unite the commuters with campus.” Photo courtesy of Josh Dunn.
Laura Reed (She/Her), Senior, Commuter Senator “I wanted to join SGA to have a more diverse voice in SGA and see how I can help the commuters know how they can be more involved on campus despite not living on campus.” Photo courtesy of Laura Reed.
Marlee Giles (She/Her), First Year, Pearsons Hall Senator “I wanted to be a part of SGA for a few reasons. First off, the Pearsons Hall Senator seat was empty. There was no one in SGA representing myself or fellow Pearsons residents directly. I felt that it was important for someone to fill this position so that our voices can be heard. Second off, I have been a part of student government before and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am excited for an opportunity like that again.” Photo courtesy of Marlee Giles.
Cameron Yodis (She/Her), First Year, Davis Hall Senator “I believe we could better support the student body by involving them more in SGA, with more communication and involvement. I’m hoping to plan and get support for more Jewish celebrations on campus along with starting a club for Jewish students.” Photo courtesy of Cameron Yodis.
Luke Nelson (He/They), Senior, Senior Class Senator “With the senior senator position, I hope to not only provide for my class but future classes and leave a sustaining impact on the campus.” Photo courtesy of Luke Nelson.
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