Maryville receives ‘College of Distinction’ award

Maryville College was awarded the honor “College of Distinction” by, a website that selects outstanding schools that provide superior higher education. Schools are chosen for the award based on their ability to provide four qualitative measures that the website labels as “engaged students,” “vibrant community,” “great teaching” and “successful outcomes.”

By excelling in these areas, colleges chosen for this award are regarded as exceptional places for students to learn, grow and, most importantly, succeed. One of the important aspects of this award is the positive image with which prospective students perceive MC. The award is mainly geared towards connecting college-bound high school students to distinctive colleges, as it examines many important characteristics that other awards may overlook.

The selection process involves high school guidance counselors who recognize colleges for their helpfulness and dedication to students’ success. This fact stands out to college president Dr. Tom Bogart.

“The process begins with recommendations from high school guidance counselors,” Bogart said. “This is very complimentary, because these [students] are people that ]the counselors] know very well, and often keep in contact with afterwards.”

Being viewed as a distinctive college for post-educational success is of the utmost importance for both future students and the college, as one’s success after college is one of the strongest measurements of a worthwhile college education. Unfortunately, many students on campus are not aware of what this award means or how it can be used to further market their distinctive education at MC.

When asked about the award, junior Jordan Veale was unsure of the implications of the honor.

“I don’t know what it means, but it sounds like a good thing,” Veale said.

This award speaks to the excellence of the institution and should garner pride among the current students of the college. It is also reassuring for current students to know that those outside of the college really value the education gained at MC and that this award is yet another way that students can demonstrate to potential future employers the excellence of their education.

“Maryville College will be on a resume for the rest of your life, and part of the value [of the college] is getting this kind of recognition from an outside audience,” Bogart said.

Other Tennessee schools that received the “College of Distinction” award include Belmont University, King College, Lee University, Lipscomb University, Milligan College, Rhodes College, University of Tennessee- Chattanooga, Union University, Trevecca Nazarene University and University of the South.

Each of these institutions exhibited what the Colleges of Distinction website listed as “Schools that take a holistic approach to admissions decisions, that consistently excel in providing undergraduate education, and that have a truly national reputation.”

In addition, the site claims that these schools consistently appeal to employers and graduate schools, along with providing innovative and exciting programs and methods of study. Being on this short list of “distinct” colleges in Tennessee is something that clearly demonstrates MC’s commitment to meaningful, studentfocused education.

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