Stickers are an easy way to add color and personality to everyday items. Maryville College students display their curated collections on their laptops, phone cases and water bottles—even some unique surfaces, like guitar cases and coffee makers!
Junior Emily Huffstetler uses her water bottle as a walking advertisement for her nonprofit organization, Build for Bees. Photo courtesy of Lauren Huffstetler.
Freshman Lily Petree applies a cuddly blowfish to her clear phone case. Photo courtesy of Lauren Huffstetler.
Emma Sheutz, freshman, overlaps some of her favorite stickers to create a unique collage. Photo courtesy of Emma Scheutz.
Lauren Huffstetler, freshman, spices up her laptop with some outdoorsy stickers. Photo courtesy of Lauren Huffstetler.
ebecca Johnson, freshman, highlights causes she is passionate about: shopping local and mental health. Photo courtesy of Rebecca Johnson.
Freshman Sarah Jacobs sticks Harry Styles stickers on her coffee maker, as a way to start her day off on a high note. Photo courtesy of Sarah Jacobs.
Freshman Anna Price decorates her guitar case with her curated collection of stickers. Photo courtesy of Anna Price.
Megan Cooper, freshman, sticks reminders that mental health matters on her laptop. Photo courtesy of Megan Cooper.
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