Maryville College’s Center for Campus Ministry announces their 2020-2021 theme “Behind the Mask”
Starting Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020 the Center for Campus Ministry introduced its “Behind the Mask” worship series.
Each Tuesday of the semester will have a community worship centered around the “Behind the Mask” theme which will be hosted by a guest speaker every week.
The first chapel service of this semester was hosted by Reverend Dr. Anne McKee where she introduced the mission of “Behind the Mask.” McKee explained that the new series’ purpose is to unite the Maryville College community by recognizing and admiring their differences and discovering who they really are.
On Oct. 27, Dr. Andrew Irvine, associate professor of philosophy and religion, will host a community worship service.
“It opens up a place where students and anyone in the community can reflect in an open-minded way on faith in our life as it relates to our learning community,” Irvine said about the series.
Although the community worship services this semester may look different than in previous years, the Maryville College community has a positive outlook despite the circumstances.
“I can imagine in the current circumstance where so much of our face to face contact with each other is mediated; chapel is not an exception to that, but what it offers might be valuable when we are missing contact with one another,” Irvine said. “The theme offers a chance to hear from people who are exploring who they really are and how we can be ourselves in this new, different reality.”
Even though this will be a challenge the college has never navigated, Irvine believes that the series will give the community an opportunity to grow closer.
“The most important thing is trying to witness the truth as we understand it,” Irvine said. “If each speaker and person in the community would worry less about getting places we want to be and worry more about witnessing to the truth is the real gift. Chapel service won’t solve the pandemic, but chapel gives the ability to rely on each other and get through this together. Maybe that is the effectiveness we should be striving for.”
Community worship is held in the Samuel Tyndale Wilson Center for Campus Ministry (CCM) every Tuesday from 1:15 p.m. to 1:50 p.m. The worship session is also available via Zoom.
The Center for Campus Ministry has created special accommodations to make the services possible. Due to limited seating, there can be only 18 people in the CCM for chapel, and people must now reserve their spot by signing up through a SignUpGenius link found on the MC Center for Campus Ministry webpage or in the Today@MC email. Participants are required to wear their masks when attending the service.If students or faculty would like to attend, they can use this sign up link